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My zines have been distributed in Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Aotearoa (NZ), Turtle Island
(nth America), Central & South America, and Europe. Many are archived in the Australian Zine Library
& the Australian Lesbian & Gay Archives. Some translated versions exist, which I will upload here soon.

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Trans/ce (2024)

a trance music fanzine queering & transing trance, with some history of the early rave scene in narrm (melbourne), two playlists, some collages and a bit of theory

download ezine...


Desert Frogs (2024)

a cut/paste version of "A Field Guide to the Frogs of Australia" with just the frogs of the central deserts in it. an easy, lightweight thing to take hiking/walking/camping

printable pdf...

Living Anarchy (2023)

originally a poster series of regions that have overthrown capitalism and the state at various points in history, i made the posters for a solo exhibition "In This Dream We Thrive" in July 2022, and then turned them into a zine the following year

printable pdf...

Safer Without Police (2021)

collaboration with ethyl ephedrine. an australia-specific
police abolition zine, with reforms vs abolitionist steps, history of policing in australia, and some introduction
to alternatives to policing

printable pdf...

Oasis: Worker struggles in the deserts (2021)

five stories of worker struggles in desert & remote regions, indigenous-led, grassroots worker organised, union solidarity, links to other movements, i want to keep adding to this one

Punk Tree Radio Zine #1 (2021)

collaboration with ethyl ephedrine & tin pickle to create a
zine about our radio show for the 2021 WTS zine fair. includes playlists, stories of coming to punk, DIY culture, hand made instruments, so many things!

printable pdf...


How To Surf The Net (2021)

i've been surfing the internet since 1996 and alot has changed, it's become horribly commodified and we've forgotten how to surf it. this one's a fun way to relearn about browsers, email alterts, search engines, forums, encrypted communications, and so much more, wif cute 90's pixel art


Together, We Win (2020)

how to workplace organise by & for workers, within or outside unions, the most important thing is we organise and take direct action. content is expanding upon that old IWW zine "how to fire your boss", with imagines of worker struggles from around the world. let's do it

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Growing Food: For beginners like me (2020)

i made this one during the coronavirus pandemic to contribute to our collective turn towards gardening in a time of relative scarcity. hand illustrated diagrams and plants. introductory
"i have no idea where to start" content

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Transgender Earth (2019)

why/how the Earth is trans & eco-transfeminism.
written to validate and visiblise all the trans & gender diverse people involved in struggles to end
environmental destruction

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Collectivising a street (2018)

a little history of that time the community took control of 15 empty houses and did a better job than the state of housing people. includes images from the campaign, maps, timeline, banners and lil illustrations

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Home recording (2017)

written & illustrated for the Winter Sound School 2017
the basics of microphones, tracks, mixing, EQ, etc


Transphobia, transmisogyny & cissexism
for cis people (2017)

some accounts of the first few years after coming out as trans, glossary of terms, trans/gender 101 for cis people

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Utopic Oases in the desert of art as activism (2014)

a historical survey of liberatory art movements and practices, critique of activist/political art and experiments with "utopic oases" through art projects

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