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Also, there's a whole page just for zines :)

On queerness, transness & gender...
Assigned Male: Constructing maleness in the western binary gender system (in the works!)
Why police rainbow flag raisings endanger the LGBTIQA+ community, article, 2021
Queering Motoracing Masculinities, zine, 2020
Transgender Earth: And other eco-transfeminist allusions, zine, 2019
Opening the Gates: On the need to open access to healthcare for trans & gender diverse
  people in australia
, article, 2018
Transphobia, Cissexism & Transmisogyny for Cis people, zine, 2017
Queer & Trans Homelessness, Anti-Poverty Network SA paper, 2017
What really happened outside the ACL conference, article, 2016
Beyond the Safe Schools Coalition, article, 2016
Radical/critical trans/gender reading list, zine, 2016
Queer Tomorrow, LISTEN panel paper, 2015

On education...
Constructing and Deconstructing Gender in Education, presentation, 2018

On environmentalism & food...
Growing Food: For beginners like me, zine, 2020
Comfort food, contribution to Comfort Food zine, 2020
How animals survive bushfires, ezine, 2020
Transgender Earth: And other eco-transfeminist allusions, zine, 2019
Capitalism & Environmentalism: A love story, zine, 2015

Winter of Dissent: Tasmanian forest action against the (Dis)agreement, zine, 2014

On grassroots resistance histories...
Grassroots resistance Narrm/Melbourne 2010-2020, book (in the works)
Collectivising a Street: An account of the Bendigo Street housing campaign, zine, 2018
Winter of Dissent: Tasmanian forest action against the (Dis)agreement, zine, 2014
What is possible now?, article, Occupy Reflects journal, 2012

On art, sound, etc...
The gay & black politics of Disco, minizine, 2019
Home Recording, Editing & Mixing, zine, 2017
Utopic Oases in the desert of art as activism, essay, 2014
Challenging individual authorship through collective & participatory art
, essay, 2014
Applying 'theatre of the oppressed' to group sonic improvisation, post, 2013
Art, activism & recuperation, post, 2013
Review of "More Talk, Less Action", Liquid Architecture, Melbourne, 2013
LaTrobe reading room: A sonic-socio-spatial analysis, post, 2013
Review of the 2013 International Noise Conference

Street art as creative resistance to neoliberal globalisation, essay, 2013
Review of Michael Thomas Hill's sound installation "Forgotten Songs", Sydney, 2013

A brief history of sonic appropriation, essay, 2012
Épater le bourgeois: Critiquing activist-artist identities, essay, 2012
Russian constructivism: From avant-garde to propaganda, essay, 2011

On the pandemic & community vs state responses...
Trust in community, not the state, zine, 2020
Early Covid19 community health info, 2020

On capitalism & class...
Class privilege, story series, 2020
How does Capitalism work?, story series, 2020
Capitalism & Environmentalism: A love story
, zine, 2015
What even is capitalism & neoliberalism? zine, 2015

On direct action...
Decentralised Direct Action, zine (in the works)
Eviction Resistance Preparation & Planning, guide, 2020
Together We Win: Workplace organising by & for workers, zine, 2020
The least we can do: A riot on Spring Street, flyer, 2017
Turning marches into sit-ins, zine, 2014
Winter of Dissent: Tasmanian forest action against the (Dis)agreement
, zine, 2014

On drafting & architecture...
Not Tiny or a Ship: Vernacular origins of tiny houses & earthships, minizine, 2015
Thin Veneer: Some class politics of brick, article, 2010

ANZAC: White australia's creation myth, article, 2015
A brief history of Victoria Police, article, 2015

slumberkitty is available to report, investigate, research, write, edit, publish, present, etc, please get in touch if you'd like to work together on something <3

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